Artem Birthday SSR ✦ Two Hearts as One ✦ Limited-Time Rerun & Rate-Up


✧ Event Period:

2023/4/17 11:00 - 4/22 04:00 (UTC+9)

✧ Event Details:

During the event, Attorneys can use Tears of Themis to draw cards in the "Days to Re-Live Forever" Event Shadow of Themis.

This Event Shadow of Themis' SSR pool only contains: Artem SSR "Entwined Fate," Artem SSR "Loving Memories," Artem SSR "Atmospherics," and rate-up Artem SSR "Two Hearts as One". The rate-up SSR is guaranteed within 100 draws. Receive Trace of Tears ×1 with every draw.

✧ Advice from DAVIS:

- When you have obtained the rate-up SSR card from this Event Shadow of Themis, the guaranteed count will be reset.

- The "rate-up SSR card within every 100 draws" guaranteed count will be carried forward to the next birthday card rerun Shadow of Themis.